
About 3 years ago, my wife was on this website looking for possible adoptions for our family. She came across a picture of a dog and after giving it some thought, she had a volunteer bring our now dog, Bella, over for a visit. So after discussing her situation a bit, we figured we would try and see how she would fit in and interact with our family. For the first week or two, all Bella could do would cower in the corner shaking often times uncontrollably. We had learned a little about her past and she was absolutely terrified of me. For the first few weeks all she would do is cling to my wife. I swore she didn’t like men. I felt terrible and thought she would never adjust, or let alone give affection.

Anyway, fast forward a few years later and now look at her. I thought I would share this happy ending, or should I say, beginning. She is truly a gift that her family truly cherishes. And as you can see from this collection of pictures, she seems to have adjusted just fine! Maybe a little too fine. Happy, comfortable and restful.

Thank you Castle of Dreams for bringing this dog to us. She brings us great happiness and it only proves that dreams can come true for everyone.